je m'appelle . . .

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social media consultant | beauty + fashion blogger | model | undercover nerd



gumption [guhmp-shuhn]
-noun Informal.
1. initiative; aggressiveness; resourcefulness
2. courage; spunk; guts
3. common sense; shrewdness

Gumption. Gumption. Gumption. 

That is the theme of the week. I didn't choose it. It chose me!

God's really lit a fire in my heart. Equipped me with a strength I've rarely encountered. To make decisions that might hurt. But decisions that in the end will bring God glory. 

I've concluded that the best decisions are often the toughest to make. Especially when you choose to let go of something that is very dear to your heart. But in the end, you know it wasn't yours to begin with. All things are a gift from God. Release them back to Him and in return He will either restore or replace it with something even more divine...more beautiful than before. 

Carrying on with our theme: Here are some tiny morsels that remind me of gumption...

RED LIPS: Big fan of a little va-va-voom. Photo courtesy of my dear Aline who snapped this during my stay in Brazil this summer!

“YOU WON’T RELENT” by Christ Quilala & Kim Walker. Anointed song. I can't get past it yet to savor the rest of the tracks on the album. It's just that powerful! find gumption this week. Do something out of the box. Make a decision that's long overdue. Draw a line in the sand where needed. Pursue what brings you joy, even if you feel overwhelmed with the fear of failure. You'll never know if you never try. Life's too short to live safe. 



Whitney Diane said...

<3 it!!

Aline Correa said...

this is really inspiring! this week my goal is to have more gumption!
ps: it's so true about the red lipstick..