je m'appelle . . .

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social media consultant | beauty + fashion blogger | model | undercover nerd


the nerd within.

i love this. not sure whether the nerdy look could be achieved in the mitten state...
contemplating. i AM in need of another pair of reading specs...hmmm... :)



Randi said...
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Randi said...

I wear a pair of very large old-ladyesk glasses and do get some flack for it, but 1. i like them, and 2. you really can see better with huge frames! I say go for it! West Michigan could use a few more trendy nerds. :)

Aline Correa said...

I think you could pull of the nerd look.

Blair Badge said...

amen randi! west michigan definitely could use some nerdy trends...

i'm thinking this is a definite "go" on the nerd specs!! :)