je m'appelle . . .

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social media consultant | beauty + fashion blogger | model | undercover nerd


edward sharpe & the magnetic zeros

i may have worn out "home" (obsessive repeating does that), but "i come in please" has proven a worthy replacement... outside to this beautiful weather i go!


daily dose #417

thought for today: it's never too late until you say it is...

was pondering that phrase thinking of opportunities missed, dreams never pursued, thinking back on the "what-ifs"

well it's never over until you're done trying. and you're still here, so make the most of time you've been given!



gregory alan isakov

song obsession of the week. i've probably listened to this track 23 times already...and approximately 74 listens left to go! thanks aline for this musical delight...szeretlek teged, dragam ;)



homage to the 90s

i blame this post on a tweet by @shelbylabardee. one mention of 90s music & i've been indulging in the butter all day long. purposeful, i know...

i figured i'd include 2 other little treats from the 90s:
1. the macarena
2. steve urkel

made for a good laugh today. 90s christian music tomorrow?? yes, please.
